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HomeReportingR minor and R minor elevatedPrioritization Report

1.2. Prioritization Report

Executive Summary: The Prioritization report in R minor elevated is meant to help Homeless Planning Regions in the Ohio Balance of State CoC to coordinate prioritization efforts locally with the end goal of housing those households in the greatest need. It replaces the report named "PSH and RRH Prioritization by County" in our old reporting system called ART.

Frequency: As often as necessary to get homeless households housed as quickly as possible.

Compatibility and system requirements: This report is located in R minor elevated. Any browser should work, but this particular report is fairly wide so it is not suited for a mobile device.

Prerequisites and workflow requirements:

  1. All households have exactly one Head of Household designated in the "Relationship to Head of Household" field inside the assessment (not the one in the Households section!)
  2. All Duplicate Entry Exits should be corrected.
  3. All Housing Move In Dates should be entered correctly (if applicable) into each household member's assessment for ALL RRH clients and for PSH clients with Entry Dates on or after 10/1/2017.
  4. All clients have the correct County Served saved to their Entry assessment.
  5. Clients entered by Access Points have a Permanent Housing Track and an Expected Permanent Housing Date.


The report is located in R minor elevated. Navigate to "Prioritization" in the left sidebar.

  1. Select the County or Counties within which you are prioritizing.
  2. Click the Download button if desired.
  3. Use sort and filter controls over each column to control the order in which you see each Head of Household.

Who is included:

Each row is a Head of Household who fits one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Household is currently in an Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, or Safe Haven project.
  2. Household is currently in a Rapid Rehousing or Permanent Supportive Housing project without a Move-In Date.
  3. (coming soon!) Client was entered by an Access Point and has a Permanent Housing Track and an Expected Permanent Housing Date that is in the future.

Households in RRH or PSH projects without proper Move-In Dates will show on this Prioritization report because households who have an Entry Date into an RRH or PSH project but no Move In Date are assumed to be awaiting housing (which would make them literally homeless.) Therefore it is very important that RRH and PSH projects are recording Move-In Dates correctly.

About County data:

It is important that every head of household has the correct County Served saved in the Entry assessment. If the client does not have a County Served, the report checks the county of the provider they're in or the county of the provider related to the User who entered that project stay, however this may be incorrect! Users should take special care to be sure the County Served data is correct so the household shows in the correct county's data for prioritization. Any client whose County data was null and therefore was guessed will be highlighted in gray so that users of the report will know the client may be in a different County.

Current Situation column:

This column combines three data points:

  1. Does this household already have an entry into an RRH or PSH project?
  2. Has this household recently been referred and the referral "Accepted" to an RRH or PSH project?
  3. Does this household have a Permanent Housing Track?

If the household already has an entry into an RRH or PSH project, the logic does not check further for a referral or a Permanent Housing Track, since an Entry means that household's case manager is in search of a unit.

If the household does not already have an entry into an RRH or PSH project, the logic then looks for a referral to an RRH or PSH project that was Accepted in the past 2 weeks. This would indicate the household is going to have an Entry Date into the RRH or PSH soon.

If the household has no entry and no referral, but they have a Permanent Housing Track, it will give details of that. If the Expected Permanent Housing Date is in the past or there is no Expected Permanent Housing Date, it is as if they do not have a Permanent Housing Track at all.

If the household has none of these things (an entry, a referral, or a PH Track), it will say so. This means this household needs a plan or whatever the plan is should be updated in HMIS in one way or another.

COVID19: Priority for Immediate Non-congregate Housing

This column combines data points from all of the COVID-19 data elements on the Coordinated Entry assessment. COHHIO has partnered with an epidemiologist to help us use the COVID-19 data you're collecting in HMIS to sort households into 4 categories, in order of priority:

  1. Needs Isolation/Quarantine someone in the household either definitely has or might have COVID-19 based on symptoms and/or potential exposure.
  2. Has Health Risk(s) while no one in the household is known to have been exposed to the virus, someone in the household has one or more risks associated with poor outcomes (as defined by the CDC) should that person contract the virus.
  3. Not Assessed Recently while no one in the household is known to have been exposed or have health risks, at least someone in the household has not been assessed in the past 14 days.
  4. No Known Risks or Exposure everyone in the household has been assessed within the past 14 days and they all have no known health risks or exposure to the virus.

Now that COVID-19 is so important, the Prioritization report sorts results by the COVID-19 priority column by default. It sorts it in the order listed above (not alphabetically). So your highest priority COVID-19 households will automatically show at the top whenever you select your county/-ies.

As you know, the Prioritization report returns one row per household. As such, for a household where members fall into different categories, the entire household will show as the highest priority category.

Please notice that "Not Assessed Recently" is a higher priority than "No Known Risks or Exposure". This means that if one member of a household was not assessed recently, that entire household's priority will be elevated to "Not Assessed Recently".

Here is a video to demonstrate this column:

Eligible for PSH:

If you would like to filter for households eligible for PSH, enter "Yes" in the column search in the Eligible for PSH column. If there is a "Yes" there, it means someone in the household has a qualifying disability.

Household Data Quality:

The Prioritization Report in R minor elevated attempts to guess who the Head of Household is if the HMIS data is not clear. Households where this kind of guessing has happened will be highlighted in gray so that users of the report will know that there may be a problem with the way the Household was constructed in HMIS. Household data issues are very difficult to untangle in reporting, so it is always important that you have no household-related Data Quality issues.


If you have questions or suggestions, please email us at

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Accessing R minor and R minor elevated CoC Competition Project Evaluation Report