HMIS Help Desk

HomeData EntryIn Depth: Service TransactionsWhich Service Transactions to Enter

4.1. Which Service Transactions to Enter

Each client should have at least one Case Management Service Transaction to indicate that client's intake process.

Each client may also have a second Service Transaction of some kind besides Case Management.

As your client progresses through your program, users should update any services given, such as rental payments.

For each month enrolled, there should be at least one Case Management Service Transaction.

So, a typical collection of Services Transactions for a client might be:

Date Service Activity Represented
5/1/2024 Case Management Intake
6/15/2024 Case Management Found housing for the client
6/15/2024 Rental Assistance Paid first month's rent
6/15/2024 Security Deposit Paid deposit
7/1/2024 Rental Assistance Paid 2nd month's rent
7/1/2024 Case Management Client needs ongoing rental assistance
8/1/2024 Case Management Recertification
8/1/2024 Rental Assistance Paid 3rd month's rent


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